After making a Backup on Arch Linux and Installing it again, we are now able restore our Backup.

Restore Pacman

First of all we need to reinstall our Pacman Packages listed in the pkglist.txt File:

sudo pacman -S --needed $(comm -12 <(pacman -Slq | sort) <(sort pkglist.txt))

All AUR Packages need to be installed manually again.

rsync /home

Now we can restore all our Configs from the <.dot> Files by rsync our /home. cd in your Backup of your /home and run:

sudo rsync -aAXH --info=progress2 ./ /home

rsync /opt

Then cd in your Backup of your /opt and run:

sudo rsync -aAXH --info=progress2 ./ /opt


I am a self taught programmer & a passionate software developer trying to build solutions to the world’s problems.

Neoxn3il Neilzblaze007
